The key to a healthy diet is surprisingly protein?

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Protein is known in the scientific and nutritional community as the “foundation of all living things” and is one of the three macronutrients required by the human body. Protein occupies 16-20% of the body’s weight, and is the main substance that constitutes and produces a variety of body tissues such as muscle, skin and blood.

01Protein diet enhances the nation’s fitness

With the popularization of “meat, eggs and milk”, the height of today’s children is much higher than that of their counterparts in the 1970s and 1980s. From the point of view of sports competitions, the short burst of track and field has always been the weak point of our countrymen, but in recent years, our athletes have begun to explode, such as sprinting in the Olympic Games to get a bronze medal. High jump, long jump and other events ruled by the white man, our athletes have honors to win. All of this has to do with the fact that we are beginning to emphasize the importance of protein.

02Protein and adolescent development have a big impact

Protein plays an important factor in all stages of growth and development from childhood to adolescence. Protein is not only influential for height and physique, but also plays an important role in the development of the brain. Protein accounts for one-third of the human brain, and only adequate protein can support sound mental development. In the body’s daily energy requirements, 1g protein, calories only 4kcal, far lower than fat, and carbohydrates consistent. Therefore, we in the intake of calories, should be carbohydrates, protein are 40%, 20% fat.

03Protein boosts the body’s immune system

Protein is a key factor in boosting the body’s immunity. Things like the body’s white blood cells, lymphocytes, antibodies, etc., can’t be done without the addition of proteins. These types of cells are the key factor in our body’s ability to fight off diseases, and once there is not enough protein, the body’s immunity will drop drastically, and diseases will come to you.

04Quality protein intake

Nutritionists recommend that the body’s daily intake of protein should be guaranteed at 0.8g per kilogram of body weight, and with 50 kilograms, for example, the daily intake of protein should be at least 40g, which is the minimum standard. In the diet, what are the foods belonging to high-quality protein?

1. Animal protein
In the daily diet, meat, eggs are rich in protein. For example, aquatic fish and shrimp, skinless poultry, eggs, milk and so on.

2.Vegetable protein
Currently there are more and more vegetarian people, in addition to supplements, they take protein through food, mostly through plant proteins, such as soy products. Plant proteins are more easily digested and absorbed than animal proteins, but the animal protein content is higher than that of plant proteins.

When our body ingests protein, it is broken down into amino acids in the intestinal tract, absorbed into the bloodstream, and transported by the bloodstream to the corresponding tissues and organs. In these organs, the amino acids recombine the body’s proteins through a biochemical process and play their important roles. In daily life, eating good protein is the key to a healthy diet.



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