Yoga poses that moms watch and say yes to


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How to practice yoga during pregnancy and how to improve the physical and mental problems brought about by pregnancy and childbirth through yoga is a topic of concern for many people, let’s talk about this yoga during pregnancy.

01 Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy

1、It can help the mother to enhance the physical fitness, while promoting the development of the fetus

2、It helps to improve blood circulation and reduce edema during pregnancy

3、It increases cardiopulmonary function and reduces fatigue during pregnancy.

4、Helps to relax and stabilize the mood

5、Helps smooth labor and postpartum body and figure recovery

02 Precautions for Yoga during Pregnancy

For mothers-to-be who have never practiced yoga or who do not do exercises regularly and have a history of miscarriage, they can start practicing yoga only in the second stage of pregnancy (i.e., after 12 to 14 weeks). Yoga during pregnancy requires attention to these points:

1, it is recommended to practice in the 4th-7th month, not recommended to practice yoga in the first stage of pregnancy

2, should choose light texture, loose and comfortable yoga clothing

3, should avoid deep twisting, forward bending, backward bending type of asana

4、Choose yoga studios with relatively smooth air circulation.

03 Yoga practice during pregnancy

1、Standing Squat

Feet open about a shoulder and a half wide, toes toward the diagonal front 45 °, arms spreading fingertips toward the upper palm root push in both directions, exhale leg down and keep both knees and legs in the same direction. If you feel that the above action is difficult, you can put your hands in front of the chest, or overlap in front of the body to do.

2, wall push-ups

Stand facing the wall an arm’s length away, feet apart and shoulder width, palms against the wall. Exhale, flex your arms, and clamp your arms against the body. During the action, the body from head to toe to maintain a straight line.

3、Sitting breathing method

Sit with your feet opposite each other and place your hands on your ankles. Feet opposite each other, hands naturally holding the ankles, bow your head, close your eyes, and stretch both shoulders toward your back. While stretching the back muscles, raise your head and inhale. Exhale and return to the ready position, with your feet crossed, of course.

4、Cat stretching breathing method

Kneeling positive, knees open two fist width position, thighs, arms and the ground perpendicular to the palms of the hands, the back of the legs pressed to the ground, the back of the natural relaxation, eyes looking at the ground. Inhale, slowly raise your head and chest, face forward, tailbone upward, feel the back of the head to try to tighten the spine. Exhale, roughly maintain this state for 3-5 breaths frequency, and then return to the basic posture.

5, supine twist

Lie flat on the mat, bend your legs, open your feet hip-width apart, and press the palms of your feet to the ground. Inhale, arms spread in the shoulder into a straight line, palm down. Exhale, legs to the right, head to the left, try to keep shoulders to the ground, abdomen slightly twisted.

Finally, although the yoga exercise is good, but to have a professional teacher to guide, in the professional accompanied by exercise oh!

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