How many steps are enough for a pregnant mom to walk?

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Walking is also the most convenient exercise for pregnant women, without any equipment or venues, then walk in the end how many steps a day is the best.

01 Benefits of Walking

It helps the pregnant mother to inhale more oxygen, which is transmitted to the baby and helps the baby’s brain development. It can exercise the cardiorespiratory capacity of the pregnant mother, and if the abdominal breathing style is effectively controlled while walking, it can help reduce labor pains. It can promote the blood circulation of the pregnant mother, relieve her back pain, and eliminate swelling and other symptoms during pregnancy. Walking within a reasonable intensity can also help pregnant women control their weight, avoiding a series of diseases brought about by excessive weight.

02 Precautions for Walking

1. The amount of walking in a day depends on the physical condition, the amount of walking in a day for pregnant mothers with exercise habits is 6000-10000 steps, and the best for those without exercise habits is 2000-5000 steps. And the length of each walk should not be more than 30 minutes, 10000 steps do not need to walk all at once, can be divided into several walks. Only 3-5 days a week is enough, do not need to force daily walks.

2. When walking, pay attention to the surrounding environment, although walking is a movement that does not depend on the environment, but pregnant women are very dependent on the environment. The weather is too strong ultraviolet rays, rainy days are not suitable for walking. If you have the conditions, try to choose a route with a beautiful environment, keep a beautiful mood while exercising, and avoid roads with too many vehicles and dust.

3. It is best to start walking after 16 weeks, as the placenta is unstable in the first 16 weeks, and if the intensity of walking is a little higher, it may be unfavorable to the fetus. If other pregnant women experience pain in the pubic bone to the point that they can’t walk or other situations, it is best to stop walking according to the physical condition and rest first.

4. It is best to take a walk half an hour after a meal, as the stomach of a full stomach is large and a certain intensity of walking will squeeze the fetus. In the morning from 10:00 to 2:00 p.m., is the abdomen state the most stable period, pregnant mothers can choose to walk during this period.

03 Correct posture for walking

Bad walking posture brings about bad posture, and in the long run, a series of cervical, spinal and lumbar problems will occur as a result. When you walk, lean forward slightly, use your thighs to drive your calves, and the order in which the soles of your feet touch the ground is 1 outer arch → 2 transverse arch → 3 longitudinal arch. Arms swing naturally, neck and abdomen remain in a straight line, toes facing naturally forward, inside eight outside eight are not desirable. Pregnant mom walking action should also pay attention to, do any reactive action need to slow down the rate, can not turn back sharply, sharp turn.

Finally, I wish all the expectant mothers a beautiful mood, a pleasant pregnancy, a smooth delivery and a healthy baby.

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