All Dry! Low Back Pain Treatment Mini-Class

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Most people for chronic pain most people choose to silently endure, a bear is years. In fact, daily can prevent back pain you know?

The very effective and not too costly program is well worth trying for everyone, and that is exercise. If you don’t want to be tortured by back pain all the time, it is best to think of a way to move up. I teach you 3 actions to save your “old waist”.

01 Counterpoint Breathing

Action Breakdown: 1. Lie on your back, let the waist close to the ground, feet to the chair 2. Then the back side of the legs, legs press the chair (pay attention to the knees do not bend) 3. The whole time to maintain abdominal relaxation breathing: natural breathing

02 Single Leg Back Bridge

1, lie on your back and bend the knee, lift one leg 2, the other leg stomps the ground to lift the buttocks off the ground 3, exhale and lift upward, inhale and drop 4, repeat the exercise breathing: exhale upward, drop and inhale

03Stand up and sit down.

1、Standing posture, keep the abdomen tight 2、Inhale while sitting backward on the chair, exhale and stand up 3、Don’t sit down completely in the process of action, the buttocks lightly touch the chair to stand up 4、Legs abdominal force to keep the waist stable, reduce the waist bending 5、Inhale to sit down, exhale and stand up, pay attention to the knee toward the toe direction in the course of the action, repeat the exercises

04 Split Legs and Pointed Feet

1, slightly squat standing, elastic band set above the knee joint, keep your feet parallel 2, the center of gravity falls on the front leg, pull back one side of the foot, toes pointing to the ground 3, repeat the point of the foot, pay attention to the knee during the action toward the direction of the toes, even breathing, repeat the exercise

Many people in no movement before they like to tangle what they should do sports, and time is in such a tangle in vain, so do not be afraid of wolves and tigers, there is no exercise habits of people are always torn in the end to do which kind of exercise, and time is in such a tangle in vain. In fact, as long as the movement, it is better than lying down tangled.

Theoretically, the best exercise program should be a combination of strength training + cardio + flexibility exercises. Not only is it useful for back pain, it’s great for overall health. But you never know which one will work best for you until you actually start trying it. Change into your workout clothes now and start trying.
PS, even if your back pain is completely gone after a few months of serious exercise, keep the exercise habit going, and pay attention to the way you stand and sit, the way you carry things, the way you pick things up, the way you take care of the baby and breastfeeding …… Protect that fragile back of ours!


Teach you to differentiate between five common types of shoulder pain and find the right problem to solve it faster

If you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to reach out via email to We will do everything in our capacity to ensure that you love your experience with us.

Frozen shoulder only accounts for 15% of shoulder pain diseases, that is to say, 85% of shoulder pain is due to other diseases, shoulder pain don’t let frozen shoulder take the blame again, today I take you to distinguish between different shoulder pain because of what!

01 What are the causes of shoulder pain

1. Frozen shoulder pain manifestation: light during the day, heavy at night, upper limb limitation, generally can be self-healing. Frozen shoulder is generally categorized into acute and chronic phases. Acute frozen shoulder is mostly caused by cold shoulder, the initial performance is paroxysmal shoulder pain, and then the pain gradually intensified to dull sensation, characterized by daytime is relatively mild, night pain is obvious. In the chronic period, the pain will gradually reduce, or hours, but the shoulder joint will be more stiff.
2. Rotator cuff tear pain manifestation: the upper extremity activities are not limited, not self-healing. Rotator cuff tear patients will have shoulder pain and lifting weakness, and the biggest difference with frozen shoulder is that rotator cuff tear patients’ shoulder joint activities are not limited, and they can lift their hands above their heads with the help of external force.

3. Calcific tendonitis pain manifestation: severe pain, inflammation manifestation, upper limb activity is not limited. Calcific rotator cuff tendonitis is not well known but is a common factor leading to shoulder pain. Calcific rotator cuff tendonitis is caused by calcium salts deposited in the rotator cuff, which is usually caused by minor trauma or over exertion. Shoulder pain in patients is often very obvious, and accompanied by redness, swelling, heat and pain and other obvious inflammatory phenomena, but the activities are completely normal, and the pain is aggravated at night.
5. Cervical spondylosis
Pain manifestation: mostly limited neck movement, weakness of the affected side. Among the extra-shoulder factors, shoulder pain caused by cervical spondylosis is the most common. Patients with cervical spondylosis mostly have neck symptoms, often with limited neck movement rather than shoulder, which can be combined with weakness below the elbow joint on the affected side, and some patients have numbness in the fingers, dizziness and other symptoms.

02 Rehabilitation for Pain Relief

Oppositional breathing lying on your back, so that the waist is close to the ground, feet to a chair, and then the back of the legs to force the legs to press the chair (be careful not to bend the knees), the whole time to keep the abdomen relaxed. Keep breathing naturally and hold on for three minutes.

March kettlebell inverted raises lying on your back, keeping your lower back on the floor and your legs bent at 90 degrees at the knees and hips. Hold the kettlebell upside down with one hand, keep it stable, pay attention to the shoulders to the ground, keep breathing naturally, and practice for four minutes.

Stretch Band Report Standing Pose, hold a stretch band in your hand and raise your arms folded in front of your chest. Rotate your arms outward to vertical as if you were raising your hands for a report, breathe naturally, and repeat the exercise for five minutes.

One-knee kettlebell inverted lift one-knee kneeling position, one hand inverted kettlebell, curved arm at 90 degrees, keep stable, keep natural breathing exercises for four minutes.


Hungry easily during pregnancy? How to consume diet scientifically

If you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to reach out via email to We will do everything in our capacity to ensure that you love your experience with us.

I believe there are many pregnant mothers will have these troubles, pregnant out of the period after the vomiting, always feel the appetite are particularly good, can not help but want to eat but afraid of losing control of the weight of the baby to grow too big.

01 Reasons why you get hungry easily during pregnancy

1, energy needs increase after pregnancy, pregnant mothers energy needs increase. By the time the mid-pregnancy, early pregnancy reaction hours, the rapid growth of the fetus, the energy required to increase rapidly, this time pregnant mothers will feel particularly easy to hunger.
2, progesterone level changes after pregnancy pregnant mother’s progesterone level rises, progesterone has the role of stimulating appetite. Pregnant mothers with less pronounced vomiting may begin to feel an increased appetite from early pregnancy and become easily hungry.

3, changes in the signal to control appetite our hunger is regulated by the nerve center and the digestive system secretes some signals (neuropeptides), some signals will stimulate appetite, and some inhibit appetite. Normally, these two signals are in a dynamic state of equilibrium as we go through our eating cycles. When pregnant, this balance shifts, with the appetite-stimulating signals prevailing, and pregnant moms will therefore feel hungry more easily than usual.

02 How to Relieve Hunger

1, eat more meals if three meals a day can not satisfy pregnant mothers, you can choose to turn three meals into six meals, additional morning and afternoon meals and night snacks, the time can be flexible according to their own easy to grasp the time of hunger.

2, balanced diet in the intake of food, carbohydrates, protein and fat ratio, the best were 50%, 20%, 30%. You can eat more vegetables, fiber content of food, such as coarse grains, broccoli, etc., their sense of satiety is stronger, can delay the time of hunger.

3, moderate exercise moderate exercise can consume too much calorie intake, but also can increase their own physical quality. Research shows that 30 minutes of light physical activity, such as walking for half an hour after meals, but can reduce hunger.

03 Seek medical attention for any of the following

Generally speaking, it is normal for pregnant mothers to feel hungry and have a strong appetite, but if it is accompanied by the following abnormalities, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time.
1, accompanied by panic, agitation, fear of heat and sweating, weight loss and other symptoms, need to draw blood to check the thyroid function, etc., to exclude the possibility of hyperthyroidism.

2, pregnant mothers eat a lot, easy to thirst, urinate especially, but weight loss, need to check blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin, to rule out the possibility of diabetes.
Pregnant mothers in the process of pregnancy is really very hard, every mother is the greatest!

You can’t just rely on dieting during fat loss, protein supplementation is important

If you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to reach out via email to We will do everything in our capacity to ensure that you love your experience with us.

Three parts eating, seven parts practicing, when we are sweating in the sports field or gym, our daily diet is also very important. Those who are losing fat should start with their diet structure, and whichever diet they are on, they should make sure that they are getting their protein intake.

01How to Choose Protein During a Fat Loss Period

Protein contains eight essential amino acids, which the body cannot synthesize on its own and can only be obtained through protein intake from food. The protein we get mainly comes from animal protein and plant protein. In the process of fat loss, do not skip meat, choose a good source of high-quality protein, not only to ensure that the body’s nutrition, but also the more you eat the leaner.

02 How to define the amount of protein consumed during a fat loss period

We know that a fat loss period is a process of creating a calorie deficit, and the daily consumption, should be greater than the daily intake. When we calculate the daily intake based on our daily consumption, from that we can calculate the correct percentage of protein to consume.
Training day during fat loss period (body weight) kg X (1-1.15g) = daily protein requirement Rest day during fat loss period (body weight) kg X 1g = daily protein requirement
For a 60kg fat loss person, 60-69g of protein should be consumed on training days and 60g of protein on rest days. Based on the above formula, we can extrapolate the daily protein intake according to our different situations.

03 High quality protein suitable for fat loss period

(i) Meats with low animal protein fat content: such as lean meat, beef, fish, fresh shrimp and shellfish. These ingredients are not only high in protein, and they are extremely low in calories. However, it should be noted that beef inside the Wagyu beef, snowflake steak type should be eaten less because of the richness of fat, try to choose the beef tendon meat.
(ii) plant protein plant protein in the high quality protein, mainly from soy products, such as all kinds of beans, tofu, vegetarian chicken and other ingredients, are rich in protein, in the daily diet can eat more. In addition, nuts are also rich in protein, but due to the large oil content of most nuts, you must pay attention to the amount of control during the fat loss period, such as walnuts, almonds and so on.

04Cooking Protein During Fat Loss

High-calorie stir-frying and braising type of cooking should be avoided as much as possible, should be used boiled, steamed and other less oil and less salt cooking methods, as far as possible to reduce the processing of ingredients produced in the other heat.

Healthy fat loss is not something that can be achieved in a short period of time, nor can it be achieved in an extreme and timely manner. We can only achieve our fat loss and fitness goals through a reasonable diet, choosing more high quality proteins, and through our hard workouts.

Three years of post-partum body contouring, scientific weight loss to get a good figure

If you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to reach out via email to We will do everything in our capacity to ensure that you love your experience with us.

Many moms can’t get back to their pre-pregnancy figure even three to many years after giving birth. Postpartum obesity bothers a lot of moms and will make them become low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. Some moms have raised such questions: I am still obese three years after giving birth, is it too late to lose weight? How should I lose weight? Although missed the golden period of postpartum weight loss, but three years of time is enough to let the mothers of all levels of the body back to normal, this time the use of scientific methods of weight loss can be regained a good figure.

01 Diet to lose weight

Develop a good dietary routine, do not overeat. All three meals should be eaten on time, especially breakfast should be good to eat, balanced nutrition, noon and night can not eat too full, especially at night, seven minutes full the best, you can eat more than one meal, the speed of the meal can not be too fast, chew and swallow slowly. Usually drink more water to promote metabolism. Usually hungry, you can eat some less calorie fruits, snacks and so on, such as apples, oranges, carrots, whole wheat cookies, yogurt and so on.

02 Exercise Diet

1. Running

Running should be almost all weight loss people have tried to lose weight, but few people can stick to it. Long-term persistence in running can not only help the body to consume excess fat is also conducive to the proportions of the limbs. Regular running will give off a kind of vigor and vitality from the inside out, and the skin and mind will become younger and younger.

2. Yoga

Yoga can help moms control their breathing, stimulate the endocrine system, enhance the flexibility of the hips, pelvis and spine, strengthen the muscle power of the core parts of the body, enhance physical fitness, and also make moms happy and full of vitality, maintain a good state of mind, and gradually regain abundant energy and physical strength. Through yoga, moms regain their self-confidence, motivation and passion for life.

3. Swimming

Swimming is a fun and efficient exercise. According to research, the calories burned off by a person running in a standard pool for 20 minutes are equivalent to the calories burned by exercising on land for one hour at the same speed. Swimming as a full body exercise can be very helpful for moms to lose fat.

4. Stretching

Stretching is a crucial step in exercise and can also shape your legs. Moderate exercise is essential for healthy weight loss. Doing stretching after exercise is good for improving the flexibility of the body and helps to shape a good body shape, which can make the muscles show a beautiful line.

As long as you can actively do exercise, plan your diet wisely, and stick to it, then you will definitely get in better shape!

The body appears these “signals”, middle-aged and elderly people can not be ignored!

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People to middle-aged and old age body will appear all kinds of problems, a little inattention is very easy to let the small problem into a big problem. When the body sends out some kind of discomfort signal, you should pay attention to it in time, and make timely adjustments to the situation.

01 Leg cramps in the middle of the night

At night you lie in bed sleeping soundly, and suddenly your legs start to cramp. Cramps this kind of thing in the elderly must not be taken lightly, this situation can be done:

First, hot towels, hot towels can effectively promote blood circulation flow in the legs, relieve the swelling of the leg muscles, hot compresses with the palm of the hand gently massage the leg muscles, focusing on the massage of the Sanyinjiao points, the foot Sanli points and Chengshan points, can effectively relieve the tightness of the muscles.

Second, insist on soaking feet before going to bed, soaking feet can not only relieve the pressure of the day, for middle-aged and elderly people can also play the role of soothing tendons, promote blood circulation, relaxation of the role of the nerves.

02 Sweating a lot in summer

Sweating can regulate a person’s body temperature and eliminate some of the body’s toxins, but too much sweating is prone to problems such as lack of mental energy, loss of appetite, and body fatigue. Once this happens we can:

First, pay attention to diet and supplement salt. It is said that disease enters by the mouth, so we must pay attention to diet in our daily life, especially middle-aged and elderly people with weakened spleen and stomach function should pay more attention. Try not to eat cold, cold food, especially in the summer is not to cool to drink cold drinks; recommended to eat more kelp, seaweed, oysters and other high iodine content of food, usually pay attention to replenish the protein, eat less spicy food, should be light.

Secondly, replenish qi and blood, exercise. At the same time adhere to the body is essential, choose to move the limbs in the early morning or evening, pay attention to the intensity of the exercise, you can choose to practice Tai Chi, softball and other low-intensity sports.

03 Cold hands and feet

Cold hands and feet mainly because the body is too heavy cold, insufficient qi and blood, liver depression and stagnation, to which you can take the following methods:

First, more sunshine, maintain body temperature. When the weather is good, you can go outdoors to sunbathe, not only calcium can also warm the body. In winter, middle-aged and elderly people go out to wear good insulation performance of clothing to go out, with a hat and gloves, pay attention to the cold and warmth, it is recommended to go out with a thermos cup filled with hot water.

Second, moderate exercise, pay attention to diet. In the case of physical conditions allow, you can do some exercise, such as jogging, Tai Chi, square dance, etc., slightly sweating, can promote blood circulation and metabolism, enhance cardiopulmonary function. In addition to not consuming cold food in daily diet, you can supplement protein appropriately and eat more iodine-rich food.

HARISON Omega S3820Track eco high luxury luxury mountaineering machine, with you to navigate the peak!

If you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to reach out via email to We will do everything in our capacity to ensure that you love your experience with us.

A wide selection of brands
HARISON Omega S3820Track eco mountaineering machine is favored by many five-star hotels, owners of luxury houses in major cities, many chain clubs in the United States, international famous forums, and many other units and customers, believe in the power of the brand.

Specializing in ergonomic design
Pedal design, step height and step width are all based on ergonomic principles to ensure the user’s natural gait and minimize the risk of injury during workouts. Every detail shines with intelligence and inspiration, combining design and technology, dedicated to breaking the boundaries of tradition and exploring the boundaries of the product.

Professional Step Size
In-depth study of ergonomics to ensure that every size fits your body’s needs, he step height is carefully designed to be 200mm, providing plenty of space and comfort for every step you take.

Auto pause sensor Safe guarding
Adopting infrared safety monitoring technology, it will automatically pause when it monitors an object, providing invisible protection for your every step, more careful and safer.

HARISON Intelligent Motor
Equipped with the latest intelligent EMS electromagnetic control technology, the American HAIROSN self-developed intelligent motor with 500w power and speed range of 24-164 steps/minute is not only a technological innovation, but also an in-depth optimization of the sports experience. Selection of customized gears and bearing rollers, more durable and superior performance.

15 Levels of Adjustment Changing as Needed
A new generation of silent speed regulation with 15 levels of adjustment for flexible training intensity, suitable for men, women and children. Provides stable and long-lasting power, while ensuring a silent climbing process.

300 pounds of load capacity, steady as a mountain.
Easily carrying up to 300 pounds of weight, carrying you every step of the way. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or an elderly person who needs daily assistance in exercising, the S3820Track eco Mountaineer, is a solid companion that will give you confidence every time you use it.

HARISON B101Eco Intelligent Exercise Bike, Interpretation of Self-Power Generation with Environmental Protection

If you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to reach out via email to We will do everything in our capacity to ensure that you love your experience with us.

Self-powered system
HARISON B101Eco Intelligent Exercise Bike Intelligent power generation, riding wireless say goodbye to bundling. Balcony, living room, bedroom… You can practice anywhere. Wireless is more free, more environmentally friendly and safer. 2500mAh battery comes from the factory, so you can ride it right out of the box without waiting for charging to wake up. Energy storage while riding, 35 pedaling frequency or more can give the bike reverse power.

Shuttle Knob Adjustment Group

Shuttle knob, rotate to adjust the speed, press to stop, with 16-speed magnetic resistance, can meet different exercise needs.

0.44 square meters, does not take up much space

Ingenious body, beautiful and convenient storage, when not in use directly in the corner, occupies an area of only 0.44 square meters, do not have to worry about the space, rented rooms can also be stored.

10 pounds magnetically controlled flywheel set
With 10 pounds magnetically controlled flywheel set, it comes with inertia and enhanced resistance. Burns fat while riding more silky smooth. More suitable for the whole family to use the flywheel weight, can meet different sports needs. Meanwhile, low noise design, you can also ride smoothly late at night without disturbing your neighbors.

Stabilized trident structure
Stable trident structure makes the exercise bike steady as a mountain. Maximum weight capacity is 220 pounds, which can satisfy most people. Stable structure makes riding more stable and smooth.

Black Friday Sale: Huge Fitness Equipment Carnival by Harison USA!

The annual Black Friday is just around the corner, and we’ve prepared a grand fitness equipment extravaganza for you! From November 20th to 30th, enjoy continuous discounts on selected products, with unprecedented offers. This is the perfect opportunity to enhance your fitness experience!

Massive Discounts You Can’t Miss

HR-X15 Exercise Bike: Designed for an efficient fat-burning experience, this 22-pound new HARISON balanced magnetic flywheel provides silent, low-noise operation. With 32 precision magnetic resistance levels, it meets various workout needs.

HR-B8 Exercise Bike: Ideal for home use, offering a quiet and comfortable ride. It features 14 magnetic resistance levels, using the HARISON-developed magnetic control system to ensure smooth, uninterrupted movement. Safer and better for rehabilitation exercises.

HR-609 Dumbbell Bench: Multi-functional training that satisfies different fitness needs. With a comfortable panel and leather-wrapped foam for extra comfort. Adjustable height and removable parts make workouts more flexible.

More Discounts Await You

New Fitness Equipment: Get your hands on the latest fitness equipment, with plenty of discounts to go around!

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Black Friday limited-time offers are now live, with limited stock available—first come, first served! Seize this opportunity to buy now and start your new journey to health!

HARIOSN&MANYCORE 2024 Fitness Space Design Competition start a match!

In order to improve the overall quality of gym design and decoration aesthetics of the industry’s first-line personnel, the third International Fitness Design Space Competition 2024, jointly organized by Hanson Group & Cool Space, is in full swing.

The Fitness Space Design Competition was judged by TOM, CEO of Hanson Group, DS, Design Director, Owen, Marketing Director, Keynes, Brand Director, and Ize, Solutions Director of Commercial Space Division of Qunar Technology. The whole competition is based on the intelligent technology platform of Kujiale, and the participants accurately complete the excellent design works as the participation guidelines.

Hanson USA looks forward to receiving your beautiful representations and hopes that each one is as imaginative and spatially designed as it can be.

Before the selection result of this space competition comes out, let’s enjoy the wonderful works of the previous years.

Artwork: Ignite Fitness Ignite Life

The overall background of black and grey, with jumping color space blue and simple lines, makes the overall space reach extension and makes the space look bigger and more technological. Different from the uniform gym design, the fashionable and avant-garde gym with a sense of technology and mystery is more likely to inspire the enthusiasm and expression of fitness personnel and the exploration of the future.

Works: Orange Space

Wanted to make the gym a second home for fitness clients, a vibrant and welcoming space. Use orange as the main color to create a fitness environment that makes a statement. This eye-catching and iconic color symbolizes energy, warmth and positivity, visually inspiring gym-goers to exercise.

Works: Keep Power Gym

Line is the simplest and the most complex art in the world, with seemingly simple lines can reflect a variety of creativity and charm! Slanting straight line modeling gives people a sense of movement, direction, space, etc. It is the best symbol of space and time, and can fully reflect the sense of movement.

Artwork: Akangaku Gym

Dark brown wooden walls and dark blue floor mats highlight the calm temperament. The placement of the instruments is spacious and reasonable, and the division of the areas into moving lines is regular.

Artwork: Green Aurora

Pairing high-grade gray with green is like a green aurora borealis crossing the night sky, and the momentary visual stimulation evokes an unforgettable stirring at the bottom of the heart. Wanting a more open space for activities, the original space utilization was low, so two dressing rooms and a yoga room were divided.