Do You Have These Misunderstandings of Running to Lose Weight

- Lack of Diversity
The human body is a smart self-regulating system. After frequent training, the body will adapt to the training intensity. It will adjust to use the least energy to support you to complete a fixed-paced running training. Over time, you will feel that running is ineffective.
Therefore, many people who run to lose weight have good results at the beginning, and the more they run, the less effective they are, and they enter the plateau period of running to lose weight.
If you want to lose weight by running, you must diversify your running methods. If you always run at a constant speed, you can add an interval run to your weekly training
Generally, an interval running training does not exceed 5 minutes or 1.5 kilometers, which can be adjusted according to physical conditions. Interval running is a training method that will keep the body in a certain state of oxygen overdraft, which can improve the body’s anaerobic capacity. At the same time, interval running has a good fat burning effect.
2. The more sweaty running, the better the weight loss effect
The sweat we shed is the body fluids stored in our body, most of which are water. You will eventually replenish it by drinking water. It should be the body fat that reduces weight.
However, if you feel slightly sweaty after running, then your exercise volume is too low.
3. Running Will Lose Muscle
Generally speaking, when you lose weight, both muscle and fat will decrease at the same time. This is normal.
The nature of aerobic exercise is decomposition, and the main purpose is to decompose and burn fat. If you run for more than 1 hour and lack of replenishment during the period, the body’s glycogen (converted from carbohydrates) is not enough to provide energy, then the body may burn fat while consuming part of the muscle. Therefore, the reason why the running time for the purpose of reducing fat is best controlled between 45 minutes and 1 hour.
In addition, we must pay attention to diet, eat more protein, and intersperse anaerobic training to control muscle reduction as much as possible.
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