Eat this way for the elderly, and you’ll be healthy all the way to your stomach.

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How to supplement nutrition for the elderly? Blindly taking supplements can easily outweigh the benefits. Many diseases are very much related to daily diet, and the missing nutrients are more recommended to be taken on the basis of adjusting dietary nutrients and then taking the corresponding supplements, which is one of the key ways to resist aging.

01 Nutritional imbalances in the elderly

Many older people have reduced digestive capacity and less appetite, which may be due to malnutrition caused by an unbalanced and insufficient proportion of nutritional intake. For example, some underweight older people are accustomed to not eating fat, preferring salty vegetables and white porridge for the day. Neglecting fat intake in daily diet has serious consequences.

Overweight, also accompanied by hypertension, diabetes in the elderly, is not recommended long-term high carbohydrate-based diet. Because the elderly sugar metabolism function is low, high-carbohydrate diet structure will lead to the body to rise sugar fast, often stimulate insulin, leading to insulin resistance induced elderly diabetes, cause obesity and so on. So that the elderly nutritional imbalance, many times from the “eat” to start, do not get timely and adequate supplementation, do not pay attention to some focus on supplementation, are ineffective dietary supplementation.

02 loss of nutrients to eat how to replenish

(1) Low-carbon diet, reduce the intake of rice, flour and sugar

Elderly people’s basal metabolism is not as high as when they were young, coupled with less physical activity and endocrine changes, the need for caloric energy will also be reduced, and at this time, calorie consumption and total intake can reach the lower limit of maintaining a standard body weight. Staple food can usually be replaced by coarse grains, including oats, brown rice, buckwheat and red beans, mung beans and other beans, as well as sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, yams and other potatoes. It is recommended to eat more meat, eggs and fish, which helps to improve insulin sensitivity and also helps overweight older people to reduce visceral fat.

(2) Protein prolongs life and fights aging

Muscle is the metabolic reservoir of healthy aging. Muscle repair can’t be done without protein to provide energy, and like many older adults after surgery, wound repair requires proper protein supplementation to aid in damage recovery. Generally speaking, the more muscle you have in your body and the healthier you are, the better your body’s ability to heal. It is recommended that older people drink about 300ml of milk every day, you can choose fresh milk, yogurt, powdered milk, or eat some cheese, you can eat in time to supplement.

(3) Dietary fiber helps digestion

Satiety and overeating are not only detrimental to digestion leading to constipation, but also easily lead to myocardial ischemia and cholecystitis in the elderly. It is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables to obtain dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, prevent constipation, promote cholesterol excretion, and increase the body’s antioxidant capacity.

Combined with traditional habits will find that China’s elderly dietary structure is generally single, advocating that the diet of the elderly should be a variety of varieties, meat and vegetables, in order to focus on supplementation of potassium, magnesium, calcium and other inorganic salts, to prevent the high incidence of cardiovascular disease in the elderly.

Finally, if you want to make the elderly willing to eat and eat healthy and delicious, it is important to change the way of cooking.

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