HARISON 407 inverson table Exercise gym Equipment for Strength Workout

FAQ: How Long And How Often Should I Use An Inversion Table?

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We got most common questions from our customers about the HARISON 407 heavy duty inversion table are “how long should I invert on this machine” and “how often should I use it?”. Today we will reply these questions in details to all of you. Let’s move on!

How Long Should I Hang on A 407 Inversion Table?

The answer is all up to you! Well, I don’t mean that you can decide how long you use it. I just mean that you should listen and respond to your body to gain the suitable duration. It is better to begin with 1-2 minutes per session and advance only as you feel comfortable. Keep in mind that frequency (inverting more often) is more important than duration (inverting for longer periods of time).

Over time, work up to 3-5 minutes or as long as it takes for your muscles to relax and release. While there is no predetermined time limit for using your inversion table, it’s important to listen and respond to your body and remember that inversion is about relaxation and enjoyment.

How Often Should I Invert on An Inversion Machine?

To achieve maximum results, we recommend routinely inverting with the inversion table several times a day. Inversion is a great morning wake-up or evening wind-down in preparation for a good night’s sleep. Incorporate inversion into your fitness routine as a way to recover from high impact, compressive, or rotational activities. Or use it simply as a go-to tool for occasional relief from back pain and tension.

4 replies
  1. Gandalf
    Gandalf says:

    My chiropractor recommends the 4,5 method. 45 degrees max angle, for 4 to 5 minutes. He believes nobody really needs the max inversion, plus the health risks from the added elevation increases. It works for me, but everyone is different and should listen to their own bodies and find what is best for them, safely.

  2. Virginia Dixon
    Virginia Dixon says:

    We just bought our table .. I was wondering if there is a video to show how to us this .. I’m not sure if we put it together probably..


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