How to safely control your weight in early pregnancy

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If pregnant mothers do not have a very violent early pregnancy reaction, they must pay attention to weight control in early pregnancy to maintain weight gain at a more reasonable level. In general, early pregnancy pregnant mothers weight gain 1-2 pounds or reduce 1-2 pounds, are normal phenomenon. Early pregnancy small life is not very stable, pregnant mothers are not suitable for strenuous exercise. So choose some very gentle exercise in early pregnancy to ensure safety.

01 Exercises suitable for early pregnancy

The most suitable exercise in early pregnancy is walking. However, walking also needs to be done in an appropriate manner, otherwise discomfort or danger can also occur. You can choose to walk in the nearby park or the sidewalk of the neighborhood, which is quieter and the air is fresh. Walking speed should not be too fast, so as not to excessive heart rate, walking too fast is also prone to danger. In addition, the time of each walk in 10 to 20 minutes can be, time should not be too long, surrounded by family members to accompany Oh.

Early pregnancy exercise generally to pregnant mothers do not feel fatigue to the extent that you can also stop exercising within 15 minutes after the heart rate can return to the level before exercise, as a measure of the amount of exercise standard. Exercise time should not exceed 45 minutes, exercise time is too long will lead to the fetus can not take in enough oxygen, affecting the development of the fetus Oh.

02Six Don’ts of Exercise in Early Pregnancy

1. Do not take part in sports that are easy to fall down and get hit, such as all kinds of ball games, skiing and ice skating, gymnastics, and so on. These sports can easily injure the mother’s body and carry the risk of post-traumatic abruption of the placenta.

2. Do not engage in activities that require jumping and quick changes of direction, such as jumping rope, tennis, etc. These activities will cause pregnant mothers to jump and change directions. These activities put the joints of pregnant mothers under tension, and joint tissue relaxation during pregnancy is very likely to cause joint injuries.

3. Do not practice hot yoga. Yoga is a very gentle form of exercise during pregnancy, but high-temperature yoga is not recommended because of the risk of teratogenicity to the fetus due to the excessive elevation of the pregnant mother’s body temperature.

4. Do not do upward stretching movements. This type of movement requires abdominal strength, and prolonged upward stretching can lead to miscarriage.

5. Avoid sit-ups and other movements that require lying down. Exercises in the supine position can make pregnant mothers feel dizzy and can reduce blood flow to the uterus, affecting the blood supply to the placenta.

6. Don’t do bicycling. Cycling movements will cause strong contractions in the abdomen, which will exert great pressure on the uterus, and in the early stages of embryonic development, it is likely that the placenta will fall off due to uterine vibration, resulting in miscarriage.

Exercise can help pregnant moms regulate their weight gain and boost their immune system to keep them healthy during pregnancy. Pregnant moms must arrange appropriate exercise according to their own physical condition.

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