Not accidentally invoke cell phone hands, three actions away from wrist tendinitis

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Prolonged excessive and repetitive wrist activities and prolonged cold temperature stimulation can likewise trigger the development of wrist tendovaginitis. For example, holding a baby, breastfeeding, doing housework, and soaking your hands in cool water may cause injury to the wrist tendon sheaths, leading to congestion, edema, and aseptic inflammation. Wrist tenosynovitis occurs when the synovial layer of the wrist tendon sheath develops a chronic inflammatory response, and the tendons and tendon sheaths become thickened and worn.

01 Symptoms of tenosynovitis

Observe the wrist, there will be a bone protruding from the thumb side of the wrist, press the protruding bone, there is obvious pain. When you make a fist, hold your thumb within the other four fingers and move your wrist in the direction where your little finger is, there is a sharp pain in the protruding area. However, the above problems are not necessarily caused by wrist tenosynovitis, rheumatoid arthritis, neuritis, tenosynovial cysts can also cause wrist swelling and pain phenomenon, diagnosis of wrist tenosynovitis need to use the hospital’s ultrasound, MRI examination.

Most wrist tendinitis can be treated conservatively. Conservative treatments can include localized closures, acupuncture, or trying oral pain medications and laser therapy.

02 Ways to Cure Tendonitis

In addition to cooperating with the doctor for active treatment, patients with wrist tenosynovitis should pay attention to let the wrist get enough rest, do not over-activity of the thumb, change the habit of using the hand, do less housework in the short term, and reduce the activities that require wrist force. Every day you can use a hot towel to compress the wrist, appropriate application of some analgesic ointment to relieve pain and reduce discomfort. In addition, wrist tenosynovitis patients can be based on the following two movements for home rehabilitation training:

Action 1: ten fingers cross fist rotation

Action: stretch out the palm of your hand, flex your fingers, hold your fingers together, and turn your wrists with your hands to each other for 30 seconds.

Action 2: move the wrist joint

Action: stretch out the palm of the hand, flex the fingers, and at the same time, flex the wrist, to reach the maximum extent that can be flexed, maintain this state, adhere to 6 seconds, slowly relax. Subsequently, straighten the fingers, wrist joint as far as possible to the back of the extension, also maintain this state, adhere to 6 seconds, slowly relax.

Action 2: move the wrist joint

Action: stretch out the palm of the hand, flex the fingers, and at the same time, flex the wrist, to reach the maximum extent that can be flexed, maintain this state, adhere to 6 seconds, slowly relax. Subsequently, straighten the fingers, wrist joint as far as possible to the back of the extension, also maintain this state, adhere to 6 seconds, slowly relax.


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