Walking in mid-pregnancy, there are so many ways to go about it

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It is a well-known thing that excessive exercise is not advisable during pregnancy, which is why there are many pregnant women who opt for walking. Mid-pregnancy, in particular, is perfect for walking. So, how to walk to be more efficient.

01 Comfortable dress code

Before you go out, choose loose and convenient clothes, shoes remember to wear comfortable and non-slip, but also to avoid falling or slipping phenomenon. Don’t underestimate the importance of a comfortable dress code before you go for a walk.

02 Environmental Options

When you go out for a walk, you should choose a place where the road surface is smooth to prevent falls or other accidents due to the unevenness; try to choose a place with good greenery. When pregnant women are in an environment with fresh air, it can improve their mood and, on the other hand, it can also transmit the inhaled oxygen to the baby in the stomach through the umbilical cord to stimulate the activity level of its brain cells.

03 Points to note when walking

Length and frequency of walks

Walking during pregnancy should be in moderation, but not too much. The length of each walk should be controlled at about 30 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week. Walking pace should not be too fast, the step should not be too large, try to slow down the speed, reduce the amplitude of the step, which will help promote the flow of blood, improve lung capacity, alleviate the phenomenon of swollen legs and feet during pregnancy.

Correct walking posture

When walking, if you keep your head down, this will increase the burden on the pregnant woman’s neck and shoulders to a certain extent, so you should walk forward with your head held high, shake your hands and feet, and do deep breathing diligently, so that every step is on point, and you can really take an effective walk.

Pay attention to your breathing

First use the nose to do deep breathing, and then use the mouth to exhale, an exhale and inhale, forming a regular breathing method. To a certain extent, the breathing method can help pregnant women to relieve stress when they have a bout of pain or during labor, so that our little baby can come to us smoothly.

Proper Rest

In the process of walking, if the pregnant woman is tired, she should take a rest in time, replenish water and sugar appropriately to avoid dizziness and other phenomena. It’s not too late to get enough rest and full of energy to go again. So before you go out, bring the necessary water and small desserts and other things.

Relaxation after a walk

Walking back home, you can massage the legs and feet to relax. During pregnancy can not use instruments such as items for massage Oh, need to use our hands to gently massage it, so that the legs and feet to get fully relaxed, to eliminate the feeling of fatigue.

Walking, the most simple and convenient exercise, but also allows pregnant women to maintain physical and mental health, why not.

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